
The hollow blade dryer is also called a secador de paletas. Se compone de una carcasa con camisa, un eje transportador de secado de doble hélice, un mecanismo de accionamiento, una cubierta superior, y un sistema de escape de humedad. Un medio de calentamiento se introduce en la camisa de la carcasa exterior y el eje del transportador de secado. La fuente de calor es principalmente vapor, heat transfer oil and hot water.

The paddle dryer installation is transported from the production plant to the construction site. With the help of some tools and instruments, the paddle dryer is properly installed to the predetermined position and the conditions of use are met through commissioning. Whether the paddle dryer can be put into production smoothly, whether it can fully exert its performance, extend the service life of the equipment and improve the quality of the production products depends largely on the quality of the paddle dryer installation.

The various installation procedures of the paddle dryer generally have to go through: lifting and transporting, equipment unpacking inspection, pay-off position, equipment fixing, limpieza, parts assembly and component assembly adjustment, commissioning and engineering acceptance. The difference is that in these processes, different methods are used for different paddle dryers. It mainly includes transportation of equipment, assembly of whole and parts of paddle dryer, installation of pipe fittings, cutting and welding, assembly of internal parts of various containers, installation of electric motors, installation and commissioning of instrumentation and automatic control devices, pressure test and Trial operation and other work.

Ante todo, we must strictly guarantee the quality of equipment installation. We must carry out proper construction according to the design drawings, equipment structure drawings, installation instructions and construction acceptance specifications, quality inspection and evaluation standards and operating procedures. en segundo lugar, we must adopt scientific construction methods to speed up the progress of the project. Guaranteed to put into production on schedule.

Paddle dryer installation precautions

(1) antes de la instalación, carefully read the manual and related documents of the main unit and auxiliary machine to develop a detailed installation plan. antes de la instalación, comprobar el número y la integridad de todos los equipos de una por una de acuerdo con la lista de embalaje. Compruebe si hay cuerpos extraños dentro y fuera del equipo.

(2) Inspect each foundation strength, tamaño, elevación, llanura, orificios de los pernos de anclaje, etcétera, in accordance with design requirements. Limpiar o purgar la superficie de base y pernos en los orificios enterrados para eliminar los residuos, grasa y cenizas.

(3) The main machine is inclined at a certain angle according to the design requirements, o instalado horizontalmente. Después de la instalación, tighten the anchor bolts.

(4) Instalar las piezas y accesorios que se envían por separado en la fábrica de acuerdo con el manual de instrucciones u otros documentos indicativos.

(5) La trampa de vapor es generalmente comprado por el cliente. Debe seleccionarse adecuadamente de acuerdo con los requisitos del proceso. El desplazamiento y la presión de drenaje son adecuados, the drainage is thorough, and the gas is discharged. The trap should be installed at the lower part of the equipment, and the pipeline should be provided with a bypass valve. Si la trampa está conectada al tanque de almacenamiento de agua o directamente a la sala de calderas, una válvula de retención debe ser instalado detrás de la trampa.

(6) On the pipe network of the steam inlet, pressure regulating valves, pressure gauges and safety valves shall be provided to limit the high steam pressure to avoid accidental damage to the machine.